Physical Therapy is the secret sauce for many of elite athletes and it is NOT just for when they are rehabbing. Keep your eye’s peeled in today’s #SuperBowl for @calhourpresident who has seen his Physical Therapist every week this season to keep his body in top performance shape. This was his first season since 2014 that he started in all 18 games. Coincidence? Probably not!
Just ask NBA great Kobe Bryant who understands what the medical community knows but the general public has not yet subscribed to…Physical Therapy should be done BEFORE you get injured. He attributes his physical therapist @dr judyseto as his main advantage over other players and teams.
Be willing to let someone help you find your body’s blindspots so that you can work on them. Don’t allow yourself to be complacent with yourself. Seek the guidance of a professional. It will be worth it.
-Doc AAW