Posts tagged physical therapist
As MLK said... "Always Keep Moving"

Movement, both literally and figuratively, is an essential piece in achieving your dreams.
MLK reminds us that one individual CAN change the world.
Why not let it be you?
Keep moving!
-Doc AAW

Failure is not trying, it is NOT not succeeding

#failurefriday imagine what you will accomplish when you change your definition of failure to mean not trying rather than not succeeding!
We aren’t perfect and our bodies aren’t perfect. If you don’t dare to try something new, how will you know what you are capable of?
I read that @sarablakely ‘s Dad would ask “what have you failed at this week” at the dinner table. And he would be disappointed if his family members didn’t have a weekly failure. I LOVE this and I am going to adopt this routine. Let’s be honest...if I am not failing, I am not growing!
My weekly failure was not handing my business card to someone that should be a client because I didn’t want to bother them. Time to get over that 💩! Watch out world, I’m coming for you with business cards!
What was your weekly failure?

Eyes on the Prize....let your health be the Prize

Eyes on the prize. Let 2018 be the year your prize is your health. Investing in yourself is the wisest of all investments.
There is no way your life is going to be what you dream it can be if your body isn’t helping you.
Choose you.

New Year Mentality

Wake up every morning as inspired to be better, to do more, and to break your own barriers as you are on January 1st.
Don’t wait.

Mindset Matters

”What is your favorite kind of patient to work with? It’s me right!??”...I struggled with this one for a while because the answer most people expect is physical in nature. Athletes. Kids. Shoulders. Etc. but that just doesn’t resonate with me. So I had to delve a bit farther into myself to get this answer.
I see patients as young as a few months old to patients in their late 90s. Professional athletes and dancers to people with tremendous physical disabilities. And everyone in between. So the similarity isn’t a physical one. .
The common link is drive. That motivation and dedication to getting better. Mindset matters.
It is easy to go to the gym or work really hard when everything is going well. It is easy to have the right mindset when you are happy and feeling good. But there are those that dig a bit deeper. Those that are hungry to push when they are hurt. Those that want it. Want to be better. And are willing to work for it. That is my ideal patient. That is who motivates me to work harder.
I can assure you that I am the kind of person that will bring 150% to everything that I do, but I need you to do the same. Any PT-patient relationship should be a partnership. You can’t do it alone. I can’t do it alone. We do it together. .
The best way to get better is to learn from someone more proficient than you. Be willing to listen when someone tells you what you are doing wrong. And don’t take it personally. Stay humble, listen, and just try it. Even if you aren’t sure about it, be willing to try it.
I believe that mindset is what can make your experience with PT successful.

Breakthroughs happen at the point of resistance.

Breakthroughs happen at the point of resistance. Allow yourself to get uncomfortable. Let them see you struggle. That is where strength is created. That is where the magic happens.
Why wait until 2018? Start today 🔥

Commitment vs Settling

A lot of people confuse Commitment and Settling. The difference is fundamentally one of action and growth. A commitment is a dedication to a cause or activity. Settling is choosing a steady or secure state. If you are choosing to do something over and over that doesn’t push you outside of your comfort zone, is that being committed or is that actually just settling?
Take a second to ask yourself if your job, significant other, friends, goals, activities, choice etc. does the following:
-Push you to be better
-Challenge you to dream bigger
-Inspire you to aim for more
-Support your goals for the future
-Encourage your personal growth
YES answers to the above are the building blocks of a commitment. NO answers are indicative of a choice to settle. There is no shame in that, but know that you deserve more. And you can do more.
If you have been doing the same 3 mile route at the same pace for 5 years or have shown up to the same desk for 10 years and have not noticed any improvement or growth in your life, it is time to look at yourself and decide. Decide if you want more. The choice is yours. Do you commit or do you settle?
I choose to commit myself to my patients and they choose to commit to me. Check back on Friday to hear more about how I discovered my ideal patient and why that is so important.
🔥Doc AAW