Mindset Matters


”What is your favorite kind of patient to work with? It’s me right!??”...I struggled with this one for a while because the answer most people expect is physical in nature. Athletes. Kids. Shoulders. Etc. but that just doesn’t resonate with me. So I had to delve a bit farther into myself to get this answer.
I see patients as young as a few months old to patients in their late 90s. Professional athletes and dancers to people with tremendous physical disabilities. And everyone in between. So the similarity isn’t a physical one. .
The common link is drive. That motivation and dedication to getting better. Mindset matters.
It is easy to go to the gym or work really hard when everything is going well. It is easy to have the right mindset when you are happy and feeling good. But there are those that dig a bit deeper. Those that are hungry to push when they are hurt. Those that want it. Want to be better. And are willing to work for it. That is my ideal patient. That is who motivates me to work harder.
I can assure you that I am the kind of person that will bring 150% to everything that I do, but I need you to do the same. Any PT-patient relationship should be a partnership. You can’t do it alone. I can’t do it alone. We do it together. .
The best way to get better is to learn from someone more proficient than you. Be willing to listen when someone tells you what you are doing wrong. And don’t take it personally. Stay humble, listen, and just try it. Even if you aren’t sure about it, be willing to try it.
I believe that mindset is what can make your experience with PT successful.