Physical Therapy with a non- Physical Therapist?!
#FAQF… “I have done Physical Therapy before but it wasn’t with a Physical Therapist. What is the difference?”… This one always surprises me but it seems to be popping up frequently in the social media world so I am going to chime in.
Physical Therapy, legally, can ONLY be done by or under the supervision of a Licensed Physical Therapist. So no, your Chiro/Accu/Trainer/MD/Coach/Masseuse cannot legally claim to perform, offer, or bill you for Physical Therapy services unless they also “double” as a licensed Physical Therapist. If they do, I urge you to bring it up to them. It is for your safety.
This would be like going to a Vegan Restaurant only to find out that they cook everything in Chicken Broth. Not so awesome. You probably wouldn’t go back. And you probably would write a not so friendly Yelp review.
Trust and honesty are huge. If someone is falsifying what they provide, in my opinion that is a huge breach of both. And also raises the question as to why they would do that? If you are proud of what you do, why would you falsely hide behind something else?
I wonder why, as a society, do we so blindly trust the things and people that work with our physical bodies yet we wear ourselves out trying to order the perfect 104degree, almond milk, green tea matcha latte to ensure we ingest only the finest? Imagine if we took the time to ask the who, what, where, and why’s for your body.
Providers of any kind should be more than willing to answer any of these questions, and if they can’t or won’t I would take caution. You only get one body so please, take care of it. And take care of it with the right people.
What is my advice for finding the right provider to make sure you get what you think you are getting? 1. Ask Questions 2. The provider is more important than the title 3. Do your homework
As always, feel free to ask me anything! I am here to help!