Descartes' Pain Theory is Wrong
Descartes' Pain Theory is Wrong
The research disproving René Descartes' 1654 pain model is as cohesive as that against the world being flat. Follow @doc_aaw for some modern truths about pain!
What is wrong with Descartes model?
There is no such thing as a "pain" nerve. It does not "detect" pain. It does not "send" pain.
So what happens?
The nerve detects some sort of change to the tissue. It sends a message of "danger" to your brain. Your brain weighs the situation based on numerous past events and sensory information and determines how much danger you are in. Your brain THEN sends your nerve a message telling it how to react.
Pain is a complex, instantaneous conversation. A two way street. Not a one way valve.
See my story today for more info on this process!