What does it mean to be Humble and have Gratitude?
Over the past few days I have come to recognize what it truly means to be humble and what it means to have gratitude. These two words are thrown around over social media as if they are easy to come by, and let me tell you, they aren’t. We shouldn’t be made to think that they are either. It waters down how exceptionally unique it is to find someone that is truly humble. And how rare it is to find something or someone that makes you feel genuine gratitude.
I spent this past weekend in an anatomy lab dissecting cadavers that had zero preservatives, so they were naturally decaying donors. Now before you get squeamish and stop reading, I challenge you to see the true beauty in the act of complete selflessness of these donors to allow me this privileged experience. They donated their entire body to help a complete stranger learn. They do not get recognition. They do not get fame. They do not even get thanked! Now to me, THAT is a true display of what it means to be humble. Having the power to enhance a stranger’s life with zero expectation or desire for even a response. That is sublime. The first thing I do before beginning any dissection is give the donor a name, then shake his or her hand, and say thank you. It is an overwhelmingly emotional ritual but it is the most graceful way I can think of to approach the experience we are about to have together. The scientist in me touched, saw, and smelled things that changed the way I think about anatomy but more importantly the human in me learned the true meaning of gratitude.
They say true happiness comes from having gratitude with no agenda. So I welcome you to undertake an act of kindness with no expectation of thanks and to appreciate someone you may not be able to thank. Be #humble. Have #gratitude. Pursue #happy.